is run by a small team of diehard sports fans who are obsessed with everything Kenny Powers. We are proud to sell the officially licensed HBO Eastbound & Down merchandise worldwide.

This site is operated by Prestige Worldwide, LLC which has sold high quality sports apparel since 2008. Our products range from sports jerseys to t-shirts to Halloween costumes and have been featured on news outlets such as CNBC.

Orders are processed and shipped super fast from our shipping facilities in Massachusetts, Michigan and Texas. We offer various shipping methods so you get your purchase when you want it at the price level of your choice. We have proudly served thousands of satisfied customers in dozens of countries around the world and we continually strive for top-notch customer service. Feel free to call our office during business hours at 617-963-0230 or you can email us anytime by clicking here.

We hope you enjoy our products and thanks for shopping with us!

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Prestige Worldwide, LLC
Attn: Kenny Powers Jerseys
PO Box 1621
Fitchburg, MA 01420


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