Halloween 2012 is fast approaching and you'll need a lot more than just a Ric Flair-like blonde feathered wig, bad suit, and reflective aviator sunglasses to pull off an Ashley Schaeffer costume. You must be a diehard Eastbound & Down fan who possesses one bad-ass attitude. So whether you prefer season 1's BMW dealership owner or season 3's Kia dealership owner, make sure you are up on all your favorite Ashley Schaeffer quotes for the big day. To give you some dress-up ideas, here's a sampling of some of our favorite guys who had the plums to pull off epic Ashley Schaeffer costumes on Halloween:
Ashley Schaeffer Eastbound and Down Costume
Clegg, Kenny Powers and Ashley Schaeffer Costume Sets
Schaeffer BMW Shirt
Ashley Schaeffer Kia